Yeah. Back again. Detox'd like a mofo this weekend. I even flossed, f'real, so you know that I take that kinda thing seriously. Next weekend we head out to visit
my parents in the Greenest of Bays with the Brownest of Rivers. I'm getting fat.
We've got some new jack neighbors that haven't made peeps yet, but it's only been 24 hours. I'm feeling pretty sure that we're the only old salts in the building, which of course makes us better. So I might have to lay down law just to make sure they understand
1) Hell
YES I am going to listen to Afrobeat really loud after midnight some nights, and
2) They certainly should not be playing foosball or broom hockey really loudly.
The Grand Lease Expiration also means that whomever we were jacking wifi from is far gone. So we gotta get us some landline steez. I am probably gonna set up an Airport base station, but the main geekcitement for me is that having our very own internets means I am gonna put dat Gentoo partition on my lil' Powerbook. Fuckin' Airport Extreme card has held me back up 'til now... but NO LONGER do I feel the hate.
Aaron's roomates have all moved out and he's got a house to hisself, so we are gonna make some earth shatter tonight and record it all in glorious no-fi mono digital format. I am gonna start sorting through our tangled messes of sound, editing chunks out, and putting them up online. That is one part of my previously mentioned GRAND PLAN. You have now hurrd.