Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Go Pro In the AM

Okay okay, another weekend another tweaked end. I went a bit overboard on Sat nite and gotta apologize to Lucas (go Shopping with him here) for running off. You didn't notice how rapidly that 6 pack of Bud was being consumed earlier that evening, didja? So yeah I will make it up to ya.

Today is my next to last day of work. I have a bunch of stuff to get done, and yet here I am. Typing, deleting, going to look at Nemo's new releases. Y'know: Wooden Wand got written up in the Onion AND got a blurb in Jane. Now, when it is a band that is yeah so misty that is kinda odd. Guess I better write him for my copy of Buck Dharma 'fore they all but vanished. Whoop!

Also: Strictly Discs, nobody does special orders like you. I mean, yeah I do that stuff pretty exclusively when I feel like supportin' local shopping and what have you. Even if sometimes it is a bit more pricey. That said, where my copy of the Wumme years at? No, I promised patience. I continue to drool. I'm a box set whore.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

We Microwave So Much Polyethylene

Been a bit danged busy all over the place as of late. The Bracelets were truly excellent indeedy, and I don't just say that 'cause Ian is giving me a massive Krautrock Kollection at some point in time (yeah, I owe him some Konono No. 1 and other goods also). Smog was thick and soupy as well.
I had an impromptu job interview yesterday for a position in the Chemistry dept helping to work on an open source protein identification program. I'll find out about this next week and I gotta say, I won't be too shocked if I don't get it but DAAAAAANG if I do it sounds like an awesome position. If yr fingers aren't crossed for me yr not invited to my bir'fday. And that's comin' up right quick, mind you.

After happy hour meatballs and finishing La Dolce Vida, as well as a result from being up at 6:30AM tryin' to learn Perl after the show the night before, I unfortunately crashed and was unable to check out the Genna's DJ Friendz Tuesday. Hopefully my copy of 330,003 Crossdressers From Beyond The Rig Veda went over well. BADA-BADA-BADA-BADA-BA.

And with that I gotta now try not to explode Nalgene bottles in a microwave.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Fair Z'Nuff

Back from GBay and the (non-me) students are totally running amok. The floodgates are open, the kegs tapped, and white hats galore are being perfectly cocked.

My parents took us to the Brown County Fair to observe carnies in their natural habitat. It was nice to humor them... they seemed glad to have company to take around and my sister-in-law was there also. Chili dogs were consumed, chickens in cages were observed. Biggest disappointment: Total lack of hair-band logo'd mirrors as prizes, from what I could tell. Fairs are going way down hill. The terrorists may have already won.

My Dad also randomly donated his watch to me just because I don't have one (because I sold my last one to my lil' bro for like $20 or something). It is by far the nicest watch I have ever had and I cannot fathom his logic.

Now I am starting to wade through the vast number of employers coming this fall to a campus near me. Gonna try and get outta this town, mang. There are 'a few' that look... decent. I dunno, I have trouble thinking of how to sell myself specifically to a company. I mean, I don't really care about a company so I can't be all "You guys do AWESOME things and I think it would be AWESOME to get AWESOMELY to work for you." And like hell I'm gonna interview with Halliburton. No thanks. So I will see what happens and probably bitch a lot. You are excited, admit it.

And still no internet connection at home. I am now planning on possibly paying off Charter to reduce my debt guilt and just keep on keeping on with those dickweeds.

Word, I'm going to go eat an 8:00 pm donut.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Just can't get no connection

We're still working on getting webtastic back at the apartment. It is in my loving girlfriendz hands because I still owe dollars to SBC and Charter (yr modem broke, scum). I was gonna pay SBC off but schoolbooks are taking precedence and apparently texts on solar energy cost $150 used. That's so italic.

To top that off due to spybot infection at work, I've got no internet access there for a couple of days as well. This gonna make me crayzee-like.

Fortunately I've got plenty of deadwoodware (isn't that what the technorati call 'em now?) to catch up on. Starting with Gödelreppin and then onto diggin' up Perl. Yes, yes... nerded to the last drop. Hey, I just read the Illuminati Trilogy too aight? Soon: Can't Stop Won't Stop. Or solar energy textbooks.

My redbull is wearing off so I leave you with piss powered batteries and gasballoontheft.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Slow and Studley Wins Dat Race

Yeah. Back again. Detox'd like a mofo this weekend. I even flossed, f'real, so you know that I take that kinda thing seriously. Next weekend we head out to visit my parents in the Greenest of Bays with the Brownest of Rivers. I'm getting fat.

We've got some new jack neighbors that haven't made peeps yet, but it's only been 24 hours. I'm feeling pretty sure that we're the only old salts in the building, which of course makes us better. So I might have to lay down law just to make sure they understand

1) Hell YES I am going to listen to Afrobeat really loud after midnight some nights, and

2) They certainly should not be playing foosball or broom hockey really loudly.

The Grand Lease Expiration also means that whomever we were jacking wifi from is far gone. So we gotta get us some landline steez. I am probably gonna set up an Airport base station, but the main geekcitement for me is that having our very own internets means I am gonna put dat Gentoo partition on my lil' Powerbook. Fuckin' Airport Extreme card has held me back up 'til now... but NO LONGER do I feel the hate.

Aaron's roomates have all moved out and he's got a house to hisself, so we are gonna make some earth shatter tonight and record it all in glorious no-fi mono digital format. I am gonna start sorting through our tangled messes of sound, editing chunks out, and putting them up online. That is one part of my previously mentioned GRAND PLAN. You have now hurrd.

Friday, August 12, 2005


It can kinda get like the two times I actualy managed to set up and play that damn Mousetrap game when I was a kid. Tuesday I earnestly attempted to court one S.P. Reese to have a little Baldwin Fun Machine Black Shoes Jam Sess. (R) and wound up drunk at Paul's Club by 6:00 bumming hand rolled smokes and trying to hold convo on the subject of physical chemistry. 'Cause I had to, y'know, wait for Mssr. Reese instead of going home.

That set me up for Wednesday which featured one LizVizit crashing in our guest tomb and an impromptu Bracelet Birfday Bash at the standard ol Gz. Tried to sober with leftover Chinese, failed.

Thursday: Didn't puke at work. Fell asleep at 7:00 watching the lovely lady read the Onion. Dreamed that a television set fell 2 stories onto Mr. Reese's head. He was pissed and kinda sobbing a little in the dream.

Today: Trolled the interweb at work. Best find was this.

I am so thankful that tonight we travel to TheCrosse. There are several reasons:
-I do not want to drink because I am weak
-Laura has a swank new ride that will make the drive oh-so-lovely
-A weekend at The Folks' will hopefully do the proper detox on my foolish ass self.

I am hoping that the schoolyear will lead to me being not so dumb all the damn time.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Oft Balanced

I've been on and off kilter this past week. Work is winding down and I am not sure if I will have a job this semester of school. Which would be weird... I've had a job pretty much constantly since I had a paper route in like 8th grade.

Man, the paper route. That was a crappy job. But it bought me many skate decks, enormous pairs of pants and shorts, and CDs of varying quality. Totally made me cool enough to get my first smooch off on the 'wilderness trail' down the street from the school. I think I ate face. Hell, I might still eat face.

So, work... it's a bit weird 'cause I'm dragging out the last bit of work I have so I don't wind up working 2 full weeks with absolutely nothing to do or something like that. I might be coming back to this job in January for a few months if my bosses get the grant I'm working under renewed. I'm scheduled for 18 credits for now but might drop something if I wind up getting a job.

My internal debate about this whole work thing: I am a lousy budgeter, as my lovely girlfriend could tell ya'. My major problem is buying music. I am sure any number of you would tell me that it is common practice to, y'know, get mp3s of stuff. No. That is not what I do. But if I don't work, I'ma obviously have to cut back even more than I have on these fine musical goods. I plan on trying to occupy myself with something productive like getting a professional job lined up for next summer but we'll see how fun that is compared with tracking down out of print Tony Conrad sides or what have you.

I will end this most vapid of posts (sorry, somebody brought free sandwiches in for lunch today so I ate my lunch and then some, leading to a warm sleepy feeling right now) with a cryptic statement that I have a vaguely planned project of intederminate timeline in my head and I'll be posting more soon.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I gotta wonder what the walls of our apartment are made of. I thought we were getting a deal by having heat included in our rent. But I was wrong. The ugly truth is that our apartment is just a converted sauna. There is no other explanation for the discrepancy between outside and in right now. Kool-Aid Man, you are humbly invited to burst through our wall. Bring the Tang astronauts if you must. We'll throw down.

Between this recipe and a small notebook in which I scrawled random ingredients whilst watching my good friend Steven prepare a damn fine curry a couple months ago, I totally hacked together an altogether mediocre dinner tonight. Big Bowl, why did you have to set the addictive Pan-Asian Americanized Cuisine bar so high?

Full disclosure: I went out for one (read: ONE) beer tonight and Cult of Hypnos ringleader Aaron damn well poured some fucking tequila shots. I wooze and now quest for water. Thank you to Pete Rock and C.L. Smooth for mellowing my harsh today.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Okayyyy-- You all oughta know that I on occasion go a bit overboard on the Finland tip. It is kinda perennial and varies from fever to fever. I mean, I know that I am "American" all the way and what have you. I don't really know any Finnish -- maybe I'm not that much of an obsessive afterall -- but sometimes that damn country just makes me all giddy.

No, not the food. From what I understand it is pretty much hardtack and bread cheese.

No, not the language. I'd love to learn that, indeed, but at this time it doesn't seem to be in the cards.

Yeah, there is a bit of a trend of "Finnish psych folk" at the moment. On that topic:
  • From what I've read in interviews, the involved generally don't consider it a nationalist "Finnish" kinda movement... I mean, they just make the damn music.
  • I don't think it is really a trend. It is getting some more widespread attention at the moment 'cause of the "New Wyrd America" thing (a bandwagon I admittedly have more or less jumped on wholeheartedly myself) and the degrees of separation that brought 'em to the attention of, ohhhh, sayyy Pitchfork. Though perhaps they have been a bit more prolific as of late, as well.
  • Fuck it, they put out some REEEEEEEAALLLLY GOOD STUFF. Serious. I'll put more on that later, especially 'round the end of September when a troupe of Finns graces the fine city of Madison.
Okay, so there's all that and no I never finished reading the Kalevala... but the point of all this is:

Best. Website. Ever.

I wanted to put a favorite quote from one of the fresh faces contained herein, but there are just too many. At least Hanoi Rocks gets their due respect in their home country.

Okay, that's all I wanted to say for now. I'm freakin' melting here. Gotta get to the liquor store soon. Oh, thanks to BoingBoing for this one.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Scrap yr plans and clap yr hands.

First of August, dogg dayz are upon us. I am wilted and weathered. Every day I walk home and the people of State St. wonder why that boy is so sweeeeaaaty. It's 'cause I'm HOT.


Lookit, I don't mind that much. Water is so much better now. I have elaborate plans to construct gilded altars for our fans. My brain soaks in a puddle, acting as a ramen sponge and begging for electrolytes.

The heat pushes me to the hip hop blogs and the hip hop blogs bring heat.

...and I arm myself w/ the Basement Tapes to combat cricket drone with tape hiss at night. 'S good to me.

Next: Cramming Oreilly Stylee: 5 Books in 5 Weeks
learning not to learn