Friday, December 30, 2005

New Yurr's Day Dapper

A portion of my Christmas loot. Happy New Years and such, I'm glad to be back. I just spent a full 9 days at with my family in Green Bay healing from the semester. I am now tempered, annealed, what have you. The only scars remaining are a book I have yet to sell and the scattered, partially completed assignments pocked with red ink. Those can now be trashed, as the grades are in and I'm a survivor.

Green Bay was as Green Bay is. For the first and laziest phase, it was great to get a chance to catch up with Mss. Kinville, Annoye, Donnie, et al. K and I managed to win a few games of pool 'gainst some construction workers, rendering me drunk before even seeing dear Mother.

On Tuesday we went and visited my grandmother in the U.P. She is stuck in a nursing home with a broken hip, and it was really quite sad. I've never been in a nursing home before, but this one pretty much lived up to the archetype, with alarms constantly buzzing as resident ol' folk made ill-fated escape attempts. Our grandma seemed much more vital and coherent than most, which was even sadder as she said there really weren't too many people that she could actually talk to. One of the stranger inmates, who wandered in a stared at us for a while while we were chatting in a lounge, apparently pushed Grandma all over the place in her wheelchair in a most spiteful manner. I've never seen G'ma glower before, but that's the only way I can describe the look she gave to the zombie-lady when she stalked into the room.

Of course, I was cheered up by the arrival of brother Jake and the postponed gift-giving and the egg-nog and bourbon and so many beers. I acquired The Greatest Hooded Sweatshirt Ever, which I'm sure will be putting in appearances in the photos I plan to begin including with blog posts, an external hard-drive so I can resume my gluttonous consumption of music posthaste, and a load of music to jump-start said consumption. Many misadventures with featuring the brotherly trio ensued, much food was dispatched, I read (not ate) a bunch of Quicksilver, and damn I feel great. So great I'm too lazy to type more about it, as just thinkin' back massages my mind into a gentle stupor.

Now I'm back in Madison, tha block is hot, and I'm about to roll over to The B-B-R residence to partake in a New Years Day meal featuring something called "kraut-rolls", I believe.

Monday, December 05, 2005


I am so scavanged right now. It is a focus free evening jamboree, and I'm even considering a shower though nothing has been set in stone yet. Tomorrow lies a final exam, then I am down to three homework assigments, three projects worth 10-30% of the grade in their respective classes, one take-home final, and 2 'real' finals. That seems like a shitload of stuff, I now crap myself.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


In a last-ditch effort to free up some memory in the olde cabeza, which has been rejecting the storage of all kindsa information this week, I decided to "cut loose" last night. I didn't mean to go too far or anything, just drink some beers and not stress out. But, alas, my ladyfriend is off on vacay and I apparently do not know when I should stick to beer and not do whiskey. I am feeling alright now, but I am curious if that will last. Poured some chicken noodle soup (CHUNKY!) and canned froot (CHUNKY! also) and some Gatorade (FROST!) into myself, so hopefully electrolytes do they thang quickly.

I think I probably wind up puking once every month and a half or so, so this wasn't too suprising. However, this was the closest I ever came to puking in the bar... the bathroom at Genna's was busy and I was squatting to lower my center of gravity and just 'cause, y'know, the fetal position is pretty hip so I wasn't gonna be waiting in line anyways. I think even in my state I managed to remain fairly hidden in my crouch, so at least the entire bar wasn't like "that dude is too drunk". Just those immediately around me, all of whom were people I think I knew. Anyways, I wound up puking just a wee bit in my mouth and y'know, then wound up helping Chris find Steven while he found Melissa. I found Steven and then puked at his house and passed out on his couch whilst the Princess Bride soothed my sorry ass. Average notwithstanding, that is I believe the second time in the past four weeks that I have done exactly this, though this time I was kinda a victim of an incredibly drunk humanitarian mission gone sorely awry.

Anyways, I actually feel great to have once again gotten that outta my system. Now to go do 6 hours of homework, which is just the sweetness.