Saturday, October 29, 2005


What's up folks... sorry it's been a while since I rapped at ya. Etc with the Jim Anchower schtick. I got on my computer for enjoyment today and realized all my scattered peoples have been updating and such and I've been in my little hole. So I'll try and make this good though I'm gonna go shave pretty soon. I itch.

Firstly, to my friends on Tribe... I am sorry that I do these blog posts and have them fed to my tribe site, which keeps 'em masked as "recent activity". Christina, you should totally discuss implementing some kinda feature where feeds can be tagged as recent activity or not, as I know the main point of feeds is to, well, feed yourself stuff. I do it this way 'cause I have non-tribin' friends and, well, I like Bloggers setup a bit more than the Tribe blog thingy.

'Nuff on that. So I am too lazy to actually check what my last post was but I t'ink it was probably just whining about school. There's been a good deal of that in my head as of late. It's that mid-semester crush I feel without exception, but I think it has passed for the time being. It kinda peaked on Thursday and I wound up skipping class on Friday and forgoing the homework that was due then. This successfully transformed my frustration into guilt, which is my preferred natural state (confoundingly mixed with selfishness)... okay, not that extreme, but I did feel a wave of relaxation and that "if my biggest problem is some damn homework" what have you blah blah. So Saul Goodman. I'm back on track.

Tonight is Halloween for Madison. In my extended stay, I've seen Halloween bloom from a pretty damn big party I enjoyed getting caught up in (barring my low tolerance of crowds) to something I do my best to completely avoid every year. The concept is still okay, but I'm just a tired old dude that would rather watch a movie and sleep or something. We did go out last night as American Gladiators and it was pretty chill. As in fucking cold. But fun as well. Today we're gonna watch some flicks, eat sushi and drink wine and let that be that. I gotta do homework tomorrow, mang, what you think I should do? I'm telling you... 3 exams next week. But I promised to let that all go...

I made it to second-round interviews with a major Bay Area-based networking company that you totally know about. I had to fill out an e-mail form and reply to the HR lady what my top choices for interview/work location were and such about a week ago. Yesterday I got an e-mail from her that indicated they hadn't received anything from me yet. I freaked a bit, checked my sent mail... there it was, sent off, right address... weird. I forwarded another copy and tried calling her but it was probably too late on Friday to get in touch. So now I've gotta keep sweating until Monday so I can contact her and make sure she's got that e-mail 'cause DAMN I WANT THIS INTERVIEW. Yeesh. Why does everything gotta get some drama introduced? WHY WHY WHY.

It's all dark by 6:30 now. I still kinda dig the weather but I know that it's downhill from here. Hopefully this is my last winter for some time in Wisco/the midwest. I am tired of this stuff.

I think everything I just typed made it seem like I'm stressed or something. Not really true. I feel pretty damn good all things considered. The halfway point of the semester is crossed, I've (hopefully) got this second interview all set up, my job is pretty sweet, I keep coming across sweet new tunes, etc. All is well. Except now I'm hungry. Time to eat some damn sushi. Later haters.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

How many times must I learn about logic?

So I am right now in my AI class learning for like the 5th time about "for All x" and "Exists a y" and shit. DAMMIT IT IS LIKE LEARNING ABOUT ADDITION AGAIN PEOPLE. Get back to some good stuff or maybe talk about robots like you sometimes do.

Weather took a turn for the cooler, to be expected. Jackets, sweaters, and a complete downgrade in drive to complete coursework. That's how it be. I'll keep plugging though. 9 more weeks 'til break.

I finally get Linux up at work and find out I'll need Windows too. I gotta say... I hate XP. Anyways, here I go tryin' ta partition that shit up again. Maybe this time I'll include the appropriate drivers for my ethernet card.

And, yeah, let there be an exam tonight. Sounds great. Oh... tomorrow too? Fabulous. Keep it up, school, you dickhead you.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


I'm a bit under the weather but not too much to not enjoy a fine nut brown ale to be followed by Vicks 44 and then sleep the night away. It's kinda hot-type and the apartment just don't deal well with that. Feverish? I hope not.

Tryin' ta keep on the homework steez and got a job interview tomorrow. My actual live new job is awesome when I get stuff to work, which outta 3 separate workdays thus far seems to average about once per shift (at the end of the shift, then I leave satisfied). Lovely.

Mang, can it just be May already? I want to be done and such.