Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Okayyyy-- You all oughta know that I on occasion go a bit overboard on the Finland tip. It is kinda perennial and varies from fever to fever. I mean, I know that I am "American" all the way and what have you. I don't really know any Finnish -- maybe I'm not that much of an obsessive afterall -- but sometimes that damn country just makes me all giddy.

No, not the food. From what I understand it is pretty much hardtack and bread cheese.

No, not the language. I'd love to learn that, indeed, but at this time it doesn't seem to be in the cards.

Yeah, there is a bit of a trend of "Finnish psych folk" at the moment. On that topic:
  • From what I've read in interviews, the involved generally don't consider it a nationalist "Finnish" kinda movement... I mean, they just make the damn music.
  • I don't think it is really a trend. It is getting some more widespread attention at the moment 'cause of the "New Wyrd America" thing (a bandwagon I admittedly have more or less jumped on wholeheartedly myself) and the degrees of separation that brought 'em to the attention of, ohhhh, sayyy Pitchfork. Though perhaps they have been a bit more prolific as of late, as well.
  • Fuck it, they put out some REEEEEEEAALLLLY GOOD STUFF. Serious. I'll put more on that later, especially 'round the end of September when a troupe of Finns graces the fine city of Madison.
Okay, so there's all that and no I never finished reading the Kalevala... but the point of all this is:

Best. Website. Ever.

I wanted to put a favorite quote from one of the fresh faces contained herein, but there are just too many. At least Hanoi Rocks gets their due respect in their home country.

Okay, that's all I wanted to say for now. I'm freakin' melting here. Gotta get to the liquor store soon. Oh, thanks to BoingBoing for this one.


Blogger John DeSavage said...

Sounds like you need to get aquainted with Ümlaut, the Finnishest hardcore band there ever was. They are so Finnish they spell umlaut with... well, an umlaut.

There is tons of other Finnish hardcore you should check out, but in the immortal words of Levar Burton, "Of course, you don't have to take my word for it." Just check out this thread.

1:36 AM  

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