Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Loss of momentum

Caramba. I have entered a slight rut. No desire to fulfill my current homeworkin' duties. This is week numero cinco, meaning we are getting to be 1/3 of the way through the semester / 1/4 of my remaining sentence down. It's bad news when I start droppin' the stats on remainders, that means I'm getting to a state of utter despondency and slack-justification. At times like now, it is needed that I count off "the good shit":

  • It is my goddam last semester of school. Just "git 'r ding dong done".
  • It is almost almost Spring. Soon I will have ample opportunity to clean my porch, wipe off the constantly mysteriously spotted lawn chairs, and sit in some pale, cool sunlight drinking a pale, cool beer.
  • Somewhere out there are packages bearing me batches of Destijl freek records releases, black metal picture discs, and Corrupted's Lienandose de Gusanos. I figure if I can't beat the doom 'n gloom here, I might as well sink into it...
  • 5.1 megapixel cameras are only $200 now. This is fucking cool and may have to be taken advantage of soon.
  • etc. etc. etc.
So yeah, an altogether materialistic and unfulfilling bulletpoint collection. Still, between this and another spin of Opera From the Works of Tadanori Yokoo life is pretty much better.


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