Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Lawry's For a Better Tomorrow

Know the power. My night is complete. Surrious-- forget that there are some crap-ass pasties in yr local freezer. You need this. I've never touched motherfucking Myles Teddywedger's up by the Capitol. Cheese?!? Fuck no. Ketchup or gravy at most. It is the only True Path.

Now if only Ralph's cudaghi would get the hook up...

Aside from my Cornish delights of the evening, things are rolling as is the norm. No taping of the Saturday show, though video footage is said to exist. We are currently apartment hunting. I've heard that 'loft living is out', though I cannot recall the source. But I've never lived in a loft! Or, so far as I can recall, been in a loft. And the price is right... and they have a dishwasher! Still, I suppose I ought to hold out for a refurbished tobacco sorting facility or book bindery.


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