Saturday, March 11, 2006


What you see above is one of the major reasons that posts haven't been excreted over that past week. That, my friends, is an agarose gel from an electrophoresis run to test on the presence of GFPuv and pTrcHis vector from a BamHI digestion. Or so I am told. Wikipedia is helping me out with this one, since my note-taking is sloppy and basically everything winds up being pen-drawn imaginary band logos anyways.

But yeah, I am back. After having not touched a drop of alcohol for 7 straight days 'cause I'm responsible like dat I had a burgeoning good time last night. Apparently Steve is the newest addition to the Genna's barback fam and having him soberly clean up my empties was a touching thing to behold. Not to mention light-jacket weather showing up pretty damn quickly (and most likely temporarily) and you've got a good kickoff for SB2006: Tha Hex'd Episode. Plans? Maibock, 1500 pages of pleasure-reading, closet-cleaning, vinyl-listening, and yeah... a little homework. So what the fuck am I typing for? It's beeeeeyoootiful out thar. OUT.


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