Friday, April 27, 2007

Narc tags

Observations one might make because one is writing a post on a Friday night -- yes, while drinking, but drinking in moderation because one is planning on running the Crazylegs tomorrow (and but of course hoping to consume enough finish-line beer to make up for the entry fee):
  1. Do not try to post while listening to anything by Pissed Jeans, or you will indeed just bake a big self-loathing birthday cake of a post and throw it in your own face. With the trick candles (that you couldn't even properly afford) still lit. Der TPK, on the other hand... you just drink faster and pump not only your fist, but also a balled up foot-fist.
  2. Yes, my interest in dubstep is still kinna perhaps under the "new found" banner (not sure how long that lasts, though I think the "junior member" stamp is permanent), and I've probably only snagged enuff twelves for like one full four-hour bar-closing sesh, and who here in this town really wanna hear that stuff anyhoo? I mean, aside from a few chosen disciples (of the genre, not myself, in case that needs clarifying)... but still when I try to check specific parents of this bastard child (I'm glancing nervously at drum and bass, here), I feel... I dunno... pummel'd. Like someone just came up with the idea of huge, monochromatic Pixie sticks and they're all stacked on one of those flatbead lumber trucks and they just started tumbling off and I'm riding behind but I can't steer because my night-vision goggles are malfunctioning... and I just don't know if this is a good thing, but I swear if I start reffering to weed ciggies as "spliff" in a Cockney accent I'm shooting my goddam self.
  3. Fuck an Adult Swim: Three Animation Films of Tadanori Yokoo, thanx to WFMU and all responsible. I think this is my favorite thing ever so far this month. Note: syncs up pretty much perfectly w/ Der TPK as well. Next I'll try Toshi Ichiyanagi's Opera For... will report back.
Now to watch Rome and Titus Pullo da Don in max effect.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Insufferable Picks: Unstuffed, Unpicked, Unknown

No promises of correct spelling/ordering/title transcription... I know there is an Ada track in there somewhere that didn't pop up, and probably some other stuff too... but here's the fruit of my decrepit loins for the past 3 weeks or so. What I've offered up. I mean, what I offered that others made and I just forgot to play through both channels. What I knicked the vinyl of. What I mumbled over, out of breath, full of sweat.

Insufferable Picks 03/30/07
  • Jan Dukes De Grey - Sun Symphonica - Mice and Rats in the Loft
  • Ash Ra Tempel - Light: Look at Your Sun - Schwingungen
  • Velvet Underground - Symphony of Sound
  • Paul Lebrecque and Valerie Webb - An Acre of Stone (For Racing) - Trees, Chants & Hollers
  • Morgen - Welcome to the Void - Morgen
Insufferable Picks 04/13/07
  • Chinaboise - The Greatest Story Ever Told (Work is Hard) - The Greatest Story Ever Told
  • Unknown - Choubi Choubi - Choubi Choubi! Folk and Pop Sounds from Iraq
  • Silver Apples - A Pox on You - s/t
  • Honny and the Bees Band - Psychedelic Woman - Ghana Soundz
  • Funkadelic - Hit it and Quit it - Maggot Brain
  • Andrew Chalk - Excerpt from Goldfall - Goldfall
  • Massive Music - Find My Way - 12"
  • Burial - South London Buroughs - South London Buroughs EP
  • Appleblim - Vansan - Soundboys Ashes get Chopped Out and Snorted 12"
  • Peverelist - Earstwhile Rhythm - 12"
  • Scratchy - Stick a Pin - Dump Valve All-Stars Vol 1
Filling in for Y Mae 04/15/07 (Part 1) (Part 2)
  • Soft Machine - Slightly All the Time - Third
  • Os Mutantes - Quem tem medo de brincar de amor - A Devina Comedia
  • Black Swan - Walking My Monkey - Black Swan
  • Vitalic - Poney Pt 1 - OK Cowboy
  • Timeblind - Copy Copy - Ghostification 12"
  • Uusitalo - Paskaa Musaa - Tulenkantaja
  • Burial - Versus - Mary Anne Hobbs Warrior Dubs
  • Shackleton - You Bring Me Down - Soundboys Ashes get Chopped Out and Snorted
  • Blops - Tartaleta de Frutillas - Blops
  • Andrew Chalk - Exceprt from Goldfall - Goldfall
  • Miles Davis - The Ghetto Walk - Complete In a Silent Way
Insufferable Picks - 04/20/07
  • Otterman Empire - Texas Radio - 12"
  • 3/3 - Open a Window - Sanbun no San
  • 13th Floor Elevators - Slip Inside This House - Easter Everywhere
  • Supersilent - 6.2 - Supersilent 6
  • Joshua Jugband 5 - Track 2 - New comp on Gulcher
  • Footsie - Showerman (Instrumental) - 12"
  • Geeneus - Congo - Tempa All-Stars Vol 1
  • Junior Boys - Like a Child (Carl Craig Remix) - 12"
Subbing for Waka Laka 04/21/07
  • Tamio Shiraishi and Sean Meehan - Bridge Side - In the City
  • Ruth White - Love Gives Wings - Seven Trumps fromt he Tarot Cards
  • Fursaxa - Aegean Lore - By the Fruits You Shall Know the Roots
  • Hototogisu - Side 3 - Floating Japanese Oof! Gardens of the 21st Century
I've gotta admit that my home listening is skewed real deep towards Andrew Chalk and I'm still just trying to really get a good dig into those Vinyl-on-Demand boxes. All switching between glistening toneribbons and some mutant ape-synth loop shrapnel up in here. I've gotten confused...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Panik Boom

I've maybe been a bit derelict of late, but what the hell? I've been trying to turn a dollar. Okay, maybe spend a dollar. And guess what? I've succeeded. Several times over. Many more, in fact, then times I've managed to bring one in. Which you'd think would leave me plenty of time to tinker 'round here, but it's just that... I couldn't think of what to say. You make me shy, and I somehow wound up with about 2,200 pages of library books to skim (and then tell you I read), so consider this a lucky break from my strained-pupil norm.

What with these dollops of sunshine and the induced euphoria (always with that doubled edge, natch), listening habits have ranged far and wide, or as far and wide as I care to wander. Maybe I need new chukkas; you can be the judge of that.

First off, I seem to be smelling quite a whiff of excitement over Dizzee Rascal's forthcoming release. Yeh, what I've heard is good, but I'm sensing an awful lof of chatter collapsing all the many facets of his chosen genre into him and him alone. Roll Deep recently put out Rules and Regulations, and it makes me wanna bound about on an overcast day as much as ol' Dizzee's output. Solid. If yez prefer to stick to Dizzeeing yourselves, I also found "Showerman", the first 12 released on Rascal's Dirtee Stank label by one Footsie, to be most cleansing to my spirit. New meaning to "spit-shine". On the instrumental-grime-type tip, most certainly I recommend the enjoyment of Dump Valve All Stars Vol 1, on the lovingly named Dump Valve label. Now I don't have to pretend I have any chance of understanding them crazed patois flows. Kidding! I know every word, every turn of phrase. I just forgot it all just now, is all...

And of course Skull Disco 06 is the fucking shit. I don't even need to tell you. Or make a Keef Richards joke. Christ, don't make me make a Keef Richards joke. Dudes are prescient, 'nuff said.

'K, you needn't fret, I know how completely ridiculous it may look for some sleepy-midwestern chump to be writing like he can possibly tell you, fair reader, something about the UK urban music scene. So let's move on for now...

My enjoyment of the "free-er" musics (which for the sake of this post apparently means "rhythmless" or "of a rhythmic nature that could be construed in some kinda 'communal ecstatic basement smokeout'"... either way, I'm wrong) does normally tend towards the less harsh of arenas. What can I say, I'm a candy-ass school-boy who needs something soothing after a day at m' desk. That said, this Vinyl-on-Demand stuff responsible for so much pocketbook damage is just mind-fucking-bending. I'm definitely not confident enough to say that I've listened to the Maurizio Bianchi Evidences Vol 1 - Final Industrial Music box or the Broken Flag Retrospective box enough to get a grip on what's going on here. But both have peeled back every damn layer of my skullflap like some crime scene photo and readjusted the appropriate neural networks into something that, given time, may develop the required radial basis functions for comprehension of the cloaked truths these folks are willing to share. Hidden layers indeed.

When given a break from these required training sets, I do gotta say that Tamio Shiraishi & Sean Meehan's In the City lp on the Old Gold label is doing quite the spectral number. Whafting freetone reports from assorted NYC lost locations... side "Bridge" and side "Garage", to be exact... leave my lobes tickled and my peachfuzz loosened. Not exactly the starburst drones of Andrew Chalk or the seasick pianos of Basinski... this stuff more kind of contemplates bent twists and hints that it could maybe squall if it wanted, but would much rather play butterfly net with the hum of cars on the overpass that is rather prominent in the side "Bridge" recording.

Yeah, there's more too, but this is already a super-epic post by my standards, and I'll try and leave some so I might think of more to write at some near time. I've got a bunch of playlist 'n archive stews to chuck up as well, but I'm a bit lazy to work out transcribing 4 hours worth of tunes for now, so check back or something. Oh, and try and enjoy whatever weather your getting; that's important.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Pink Reason @ the Klinic TONITE, Madison lapdogs attend!

Rarely do I get meaty about local haps; much as I love this town (and 8 years deep, I'd better I suppose), my fave thing to love about it is generally hoarding slabs in my apartment with a sixer, as if I hadn't been clear enough already. Still, from time to time people much greater then I set up worthwhile occurrences that I get to claim witness to without lifting any kind of community finger (aside from mebbe dishing out a fiver or some such).

Some time ago I got wind of Green Bay dude(s) Pink Reason. While their physical output at the time was not somethin' I was able to snag through means I was knowing enough to take, their myspaz offered up a few choice cuts and there was some live action on WFMU. All showing total proof that Green Bay somehow proved good... some folks obviously doin' right while I was up there squandering time makin' cardboard and slouching at the Townline (cruisin' Main was no option for someone with night vision such as myself). Not that indications didn't point to possibly similar pastimes for the heads responsible. Threadbare basement couches and dusty Blatz mirrors sprang to mind. Musty dogs. Have I seen this dude on South Broadway? It just kinda sounds like one mighta.

Since then they've put out a full-ass album on everlovin' Siltbreeze. THAT Siltbreeze. Straight up honesty: I haven't snagged that yet either. I was kinda waiting to pick it up in person. Up 'til now I've had but the above-mentioned samples of Pink pudding to placate my perceptions.

Well, the pudding is proving itself in the flesh tonight, when the Raison d'Pink will sully themselves at the Klinic at 9pm. Details at the Daily Page, 'cause I just ain't got the time right now. All I know is they better have some hardcopies of their chuuch of lurch style sonix in the pink for a hardbody such as myself. And many thanks to Ivan for reminding me about this. I've been too engrossed in staring at the holes developing in my jean-crotch to remember to check my calendar and remember these damn things. See you tonight, bluddy...