Narc tags
Observations one might make because one is writing a post on a Friday night -- yes, while drinking, but drinking in moderation because one is planning on running the Crazylegs tomorrow (and but of course hoping to consume enough finish-line beer to make up for the entry fee):
- Do not try to post while listening to anything by Pissed Jeans, or you will indeed just bake a big self-loathing birthday cake of a post and throw it in your own face. With the trick candles (that you couldn't even properly afford) still lit. Der TPK, on the other hand... you just drink faster and pump not only your fist, but also a balled up foot-fist.
- Yes, my interest in dubstep is still kinna perhaps under the "new found" banner (not sure how long that lasts, though I think the "junior member" stamp is permanent), and I've probably only snagged enuff twelves for like one full four-hour bar-closing sesh, and who here in this town really wanna hear that stuff anyhoo? I mean, aside from a few chosen disciples (of the genre, not myself, in case that needs clarifying)... but still when I try to check specific parents of this bastard child (I'm glancing nervously at drum and bass, here), I feel... I dunno... pummel'd. Like someone just came up with the idea of huge, monochromatic Pixie sticks and they're all stacked on one of those flatbead lumber trucks and they just started tumbling off and I'm riding behind but I can't steer because my night-vision goggles are malfunctioning... and I just don't know if this is a good thing, but I swear if I start reffering to weed ciggies as "spliff" in a Cockney accent I'm shooting my goddam self.
- Fuck an Adult Swim: Three Animation Films of Tadanori Yokoo, thanx to WFMU and all responsible. I think this is my favorite thing ever so far this month. Note: syncs up pretty much perfectly w/ Der TPK as well. Next I'll try Toshi Ichiyanagi's Opera For... will report back.