Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Pain in the Annual: Satisfaction, Confusion, anything ending in a good shun.

But on a personal note, did I mention that I've finally stumbled into the fake real world this year? I've hid out ruining my credit rating whilst still munching government cheese for over half a decade, and I finally broke (hah!) into the big time this year. Man, whatta waste.

Yeah, yeah, real rough, sure. I really did figure that having some embossed paper would in fact help me make just enuff to keep me in food, rekkids, beer, and quality outerwear. Well, shit, looks like I haven't figured everything out quite yet. But I'm working on it.

Funny thing: I've got a few applications out there. One to help usher in a cleaner fuel economy via komplicated katalytic kemistry, and one to build a better mousetrap. Ok, rat poison. Just somebody gimme something.

I mean, I really oughta be able to do more than just sit gape-eyed wishing I could hear Bone Awl and licking gifs of Skull Disco 12" artwork. Dammitall, somebody just cut me down.

On a side note, do not mix tap beers and americanos and tuna melts.


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