Sunday, July 09, 2006

Minor Breath #1

Holy shit it's a hot 'un. Yesterday I managed to sunburn my armpits. Actually, I sunburned most of myself but my armpits are the only part that still sting. What would it feel like to have ones sunburnt armpits tickled? I cringe.

I am in also in strong agreement with Steven that early sweet corn is a bigger tease then them Lolitas what be walkin' about in the summer. Simmer.

Managed to discretely tie on on last night. Slept fitfully as the mercury droplets became swollen beads of pooled deth. Hg dth. That's my license plate, keep yr hands off.

Somewise decided to start some minimal packing. I am dreading the move we are undertaking in one month... we shall never move all this crap. We are doomed. Things are lost. Don't be too attached, whatever. My stuff kicks ass. I'll die for it. Do you have a test script for Bottle Rocket? I thought not. Hence, I gently tossed a couple gross of my precious CD collection into some plastic boxes, which I have sealed with hexxxes to keep in the sexxxes.

I should work more on lab reports. Sotted life.


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