Friday, June 30, 2006

Great taste echoes from the canyon...

I don't know how we manage to hit every weekend with storms forecast, but howza a dude supposed to lay out in the sun when that sun's only around from 9-5 on weekdays? Not that I particularly care about tanning my washboard abs and bulging pecs but, well...

I do.

Yeah, I want to lay in sunshine. You caught me. It's a cheap buzz and a good excuse to ascend into sensory deprivation induced bliss; eyes closed, canister headphones bashing away, some punk kid stealing my watch... if I'm feeling indulgent, maybe a choco taco...

But the odds appear to be against me here. This is the Summer of Skinbleaching I guess. Not like that Steven cat, who I hear lays in tanning booths stroking his unwashed junk.

Perhaps he 'n I will have to do a junktan comparison test tomorrow at the Bergen Rhythm & Boom Beachside Bash. And there is always a possibility of full frontal display of the outcome (er, results) on Sunday where the lucky few who attend 215 N Pinckney shall witness the crusty-eyed awakening of Cult of Hypnos in a full-toned tussle w/ Coffin Chile and a slew of other earhole assassins. Drain yr lymph in style. Miss it and yr weekend will be so much paler.


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